I’m in full Vata mode…
So many ideas are flooding my mind, body heart
and my instinctual response is to grasp it immediately
find someplace to put it
“What can I do with you?”
“Where is the best place for you to go?”
This is born from excitement, but the grasping can quickly turn into micromanaging magic
We cannot harness magic, and try to bend or mold it to work for us
Yes, inspiration can come to offer tools
But we need to give it some room so it can tell us where it is being called to assist us, and show us a vision more vibrant than our conscious mind could conjure up
Imagine you were meeting someone at their home to work on a project that you’re passionate about
And without even hearing your vision, they immediately gave you something to do
Met you with a chaotic urge to put you to work
Would you feel seen or respected? Would you feel honored in your gifts?
I’ll share with you a practice I’ve adopted:
When I feel a creative idea enter my field, I notice my body’s response.
Is my brow furrowing, trying to clutch the idea in my mind?
Are my arms itching to reach for a pen, anxious to write it down before I forget?
Then I see if I can physically relax the tension in my forehead and arms.
Can I give this idea or piece of inspiration space?
I take a deep breath, and welcome the idea in
Softly inviting it into my system, allowing it to find the space it’s looking for
And trust that it will be there when I am meant to come back to it
It could be when I come out of the practice, or weeks from now
I trust that my body will remember.
Inspiration wants to find us, but we need to give it a safe space for it to land
And we can trust that we will know when it’s time to act on it.
For now, I am appreciating this Vata period I’m in
A vessel for inspiration, words, ideas
That will be born without me needing to micromanage them.
Let me know if this is a phase you’re in now too, or if you’re marinating in another.